

DP/AS-Interface F-Link. Gateway PROFIBUS DP/AS-i for safety-oriented data transmission from ASIsafe to PROFIBUS-DP-PROFIsafe. Master profile M3/M4 according to AS-i specification V3.0. Degree of protection IP20. Spring-type terminals. Object Manager Configuration with STEP 7 under Windows 10 is not supported.
General technical data:
Product designationPROFIsafe/ASIsafe F-Link
Product type designationDP/AS-i F-Link
Protection class IPIP20
Type of electrical connection of the AS-interfaceSpring-type terminal
Type of voltage supplyvia 24 V DC
Operating condition separate power supply 24 VYes
Consumed current
from profile conductors of the AS-interface
— at 24 V with AS-i Power24V maximummA100
Power loss [W]W3
Insulation voltage rated valueV500
Product function suitable for AS-i Power24VNo
Product feature redundancy capabilityNo
Product function
web-based managementNo
Diagnostics via emailNo
Galvanic isolationYes
Display version
as status display by LEDDEVICE, ASi, BF, SF
as status indication through displayDot-matrix display, 2-line
Type of configuration of the AS-interfaceSet pushbutton on device, STEP7, GSD, command interface
Communication/ Protocol:
Version of the AS-interface specificationV 3.0
AS-interface master profile is supportedM4 (in acc. with AS-interface specification V 3.0)
Type of data transmissionPROFIBUS
Number of interfaces
as AS-interface1
acc. to RS 4851
acc. to Industrial Ethernet0
acc. to PROFINET0
acc. to wireless0
acc. to USB0
Product component optical interfaceNo
Protocol is supported
ASIsafe (Safety at work) protocolYes
PROFIsafe protocolYes
PROFIBUS protocolYes
PROFINET IO protocolNo
Standard for wireless communication IEEE 802.11No
Inputs/ Outputs:
Number of inputs for AS Interface maximum496
Number of outputs for AS Interface maximum496
Number of AS-i slaves per AS-Interface maximum62
Bus cycle time of the AS-interface
for 31 slavesms5
for 62 slavesms10
Access to digital I/O datavia process image/peripheral addresses
Access to analog I/O datavia process diagram/peripheral addresses and data record transfer
Mechanical data:
Mounting typesnap-on fastening on 35 mm standard mounting rail or screw fastening using an additional push-in lug
Module formatIP20
Ambient conditions:
Ambient temperature
if installed on horizontal mounting rail°C0 ... 50
during transport°C-40 ... +85
during storage°C-40 ... +85
Relative humidity at 25 °C during operation maximum%95
Installation altitude at height above sea level maximumm2 000
Safety related data:
Suitability for use safety-related functionYes
Category acc. to EN 954-14
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) acc. to IEC 615083
SIL Claim Limit (subsystem) acc. to EN 620613
Performance level (PL) acc. to EN ISO 13849-1e
Requirement class according to DIN V 19250AK7, AK8
Explosion protection marking for intrinsic safety of related equipment
EEx iaNo
EEx ibNo
Explosion protection category for gasnone
Explosion protection category for dustnone

External links